supports much more than just CVEs now. Supported data sources/types:

  • CVE data
  • Open Source Vulnerability format,, from multiple sources
  • Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework, CVRF, from multiple sources
  • Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language, OVAL, from multiple sources
  • Rss/Atom feeds
  • Various vendor APIs, including github, youtube etc
  • Web pages
  • Git repositories
  • Third party tool modules/plugins such as Metasploit, Nessus etc
  • More sources/formats are added regularly

URL data

We process urls discovered in other data, such as references, and save the following information about the web page, to make it easier for users to preview urls before visiting them.

  • A preview screenshot (blurred and not covering the whole page due to non-technical reasons)
  • Page title and description
  • Tags: key phrases extracted from the page

Full-text searching in all data, including processed urls, will be available in an upcoming release.

Data relations

Most structured data, such as CVEs, github advisories etc, contain reference information, e.g a Metasploit module references a CVE along with reference urls. We create a map of relations between data and allow users to view relations with a few clicks.

Data referenced by a metasploit module can be seen in the following example. Colored labels are used to highlight relation types.

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