A weak cryptographic algorithm vulnerability has been identified in ioLogik E1200 Series firmware versions v3.3 and prior. This vulnerability can help an attacker compromise the confidentiality of sensitive data. This vulnerability may lead an attacker to get unexpected authorization.
Published 2023-12-23 09:15:08
Updated 2024-10-28 07:15:07
Source Moxa Inc.
View at NVD,   CVE.org

Products affected by CVE-2023-5962

Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2023-5962

Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days EPSS Score History
~ 30 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less

CVSS scores for CVE-2023-5962

Base Score Base Severity CVSS Vector Exploitability Score Impact Score Score Source First Seen
NIST 2024-01-03
Moxa Inc.

CWE ids for CVE-2023-5962

  • The product uses a broken or risky cryptographic algorithm or protocol.
    Assigned by:
    • nvd@nist.gov (Primary)
    • psirt@moxa.com (Secondary)
  • The product uses an algorithm that produces a digest (output value) that does not meet security expectations for a hash function that allows an adversary to reasonably determine the original input (preimage attack), find another input that can produce the same hash (2nd preimage attack), or find multiple inputs that evaluate to the same hash (birthday attack).
    Assigned by: psirt@moxa.com (Secondary)
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