Vulnerability Details : CVE-2022-36118
An issue was discovered in Blue Prism Enterprise 6.0 through 7.01. In a misconfigured environment that exposes the Blue Prism Application server, it is possible for an authenticated user to reverse engineer the Blue Prism software and circumvent access controls for the SetProcessAttributes administrative function. Abusing this function will allow any Blue Prism user to publish, unpublish, or retire processes. Using this function, any logged-in user can change the status of a process, an action allowed only intended for users with the Edit Process permission.
Products affected by CVE-2022-36118
- cpe:2.3:a:ssctech:blue_prism:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2022-36118
Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days
EPSS Score History
~ 30 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less
CVSS scores for CVE-2022-36118
Base Score | Base Severity | CVSS Vector | Exploitability Score | Impact Score | Score Source | First Seen |
CWE ids for CVE-2022-36118
The product performs an authorization check when an actor attempts to access a resource or perform an action, but it does not correctly perform the check. This allows attackers to bypass intended access restrictions.Assigned by: (Primary)
References for CVE-2022-36118
Security Vulnerability Notification – SS&C Blue Prism Enterprise | Blue Prism ProductVendor Advisory
Intelligent Robotic Process Automation - RPA | Blue PrismProduct
Access denied | Blue Prism PortalPermissions Required;Vendor Advisory
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