Vulnerability Details : CVE-2022-2625
A vulnerability was found in PostgreSQL. This attack requires permission to create non-temporary objects in at least one schema, the ability to lure or wait for an administrator to create or update an affected extension in that schema, and the ability to lure or wait for a victim to use the object targeted in CREATE OR REPLACE or CREATE IF NOT EXISTS. Given all three prerequisites, this flaw allows an attacker to run arbitrary code as the victim role, which may be a superuser.
Products affected by CVE-2022-2625
- cpe:2.3:o:redhat:enterprise_linux:6.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:o:redhat:enterprise_linux:8.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:o:redhat:enterprise_linux:9.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:15:beta2:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:a:postgresql:postgresql:15:beta1:*:*:*:*:*:*
- cpe:2.3:o:fedoraproject:fedora:36:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Threat overview for CVE-2022-2625
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IPs affected by CVE-2022-2625 376,902
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affected by CVE-2022-2625!
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Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2022-2625
Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days
EPSS Score History
~ 62 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less
CVSS scores for CVE-2022-2625
Base Score | Base Severity | CVSS Vector | Exploitability Score | Impact Score | Score Source | First Seen |
CWE ids for CVE-2022-2625
The product receives input from an upstream component that specifies multiple attributes, properties, or fields that are to be initialized or updated in an object, but it does not properly control which attributes can be modified.Assigned by: (Secondary)
The product receives input from an upstream component that specifies attributes that are to be initialized or updated in an object, but it does not properly control modifications of attributes of the object prototype.Assigned by: (Primary)
References for CVE-2022-2625
PostgreSQL: Multiple Vulnerabilities (GLSA 202211-04) — Gentoo securityThird Party Advisory
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 14.5, 13.8, 12.12, 11.17, 10.22, and 15 Beta 3 Released!Release Notes;Vendor Advisory
2113825 – (CVE-2022-2625) CVE-2022-2625 postgresql: Extension scripts replace objects not belonging to the extension.Issue Tracking;Third Party Advisory
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