Vulnerability Details : CVE-2021-46878
An issue was discovered in Treasure Data Fluent Bit 1.7.1, erroneous parsing in flb_pack_msgpack_to_json_format leads to type confusion bug that interprets whatever is on the stack as msgpack maps and arrays, leading to use-after-free. This can be used by an attacker to craft a specially craft file and trick the victim opening it using the affect software, triggering use-after-free and execute arbitrary code on the target system.
Vulnerability category: Memory CorruptionExecute code
Products affected by CVE-2021-46878
- cpe:2.3:a:treasuredata:fluent_bit:1.7.1:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2021-46878
Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days
EPSS Score History
~ 43 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less
CVSS scores for CVE-2021-46878
Base Score | Base Severity | CVSS Vector | Exploitability Score | Impact Score | Score Source | First Seen |
CWE ids for CVE-2021-46878
The product allocates or initializes a resource such as a pointer, object, or variable using one type, but it later accesses that resource using a type that is incompatible with the original type.Assigned by: (Primary)
References for CVE-2021-46878
pack: fix type confusion bugs. Amongst other OSS-Fuzz 5136174263566336 by DavidKorczynski · Pull Request #3115 · fluent/fluent-bit · GitHubPatch
27742 - fluent-bit:flb-it-fuzz-flb_json_fuzzer_OSSFUZZ: Heap-use-after-free in flb_pack_msgpack_to_json_format - oss-fuzzExploit;Issue Tracking;Patch;Third Party Advisory
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