Vulnerability Details : CVE-2021-45423
A Buffer Overflow vulnerabilityexists in Pev 0.81 via the pe_exports function from exports.c.. The array offsets_to_Names is dynamically allocated on the stack using exp->NumberOfFunctions as its size. However, the loop uses exp->NumberOfNames to iterate over it and set its components value. Therefore, the loop code assumes that exp->NumberOfFunctions is greater than ordinal at each iteration. This can lead to arbitrary code execution.
Vulnerability category: Overflow
Products affected by CVE-2021-45423
- cpe:2.3:a:pev_project:pev:0.81:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2021-45423
Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days
EPSS Score History
~ 69 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less
CVSS scores for CVE-2021-45423
Base Score | Base Severity | CVSS Vector | Exploitability Score | Impact Score | Score Source | First Seen |
CWE ids for CVE-2021-45423
The product copies an input buffer to an output buffer without verifying that the size of the input buffer is less than the size of the output buffer, leading to a buffer overflow.Assigned by: (Primary)
References for CVE-2021-45423
Exploitable bug on pe_exports function from exports.c · Issue #35 · merces/libpe · GitHubExploit;Vendor Advisory
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