PowerDNS Recursor from 4.1.0 up to and including 4.3.0 does not sufficiently defend against amplification attacks. An issue in the DNS protocol has been found that allow malicious parties to use recursive DNS services to attack third party authoritative name servers. The attack uses a crafted reply by an authoritative name server to amplify the resulting traffic between the recursive and other authoritative name servers. Both types of service can suffer degraded performance as an effect. This is triggered by random subdomains in the NSDNAME in NS records. PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.16, 4.2.2 and 4.3.1 contain a mitigation to limit the impact of this DNS protocol issue.
Published 2020-05-19 17:15:10
Updated 2022-04-26 19:25:35
Source MITRE
View at NVD,   CVE.org

Products affected by CVE-2020-10995

Threat overview for CVE-2020-10995

Top countries where our scanners detected CVE-2020-10995
Top open port discovered on systems with this issue 53
IPs affected by CVE-2020-10995 2,336
Threat actors abusing to this issue? Yes
Find out if you* are affected by CVE-2020-10995!
*Directly or indirectly through your vendors, service providers and 3rd parties. Powered by attack surface intelligence from SecurityScorecard.

Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2020-10995

Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days EPSS Score History
~ 80 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less

CVSS scores for CVE-2020-10995

Base Score Base Severity CVSS Vector Exploitability Score Impact Score Score Source First Seen

CWE ids for CVE-2020-10995

  • The product does not properly control the allocation and maintenance of a limited resource, thereby enabling an actor to influence the amount of resources consumed, eventually leading to the exhaustion of available resources.
    Assigned by: nvd@nist.gov (Primary)

References for CVE-2020-10995

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