A denial-of-service issue was discovered in the MQTT library in Arm Mbed OS 2017-11-02. The function readMQTTLenString() is called by the function MQTTDeserialize_publish() to get the length and content of the MQTT topic name. In the function readMQTTLenString(), mqttstring->lenstring.len is a part of user input, which can be manipulated. An attacker can simply change it to a larger value to invalidate the if statement so that the statements inside the if statement are skipped, letting the value of mqttstring->lenstring.data default to zero. Later, curn is accessed, which points to mqttstring->lenstring.data. On an Arm Cortex-M chip, the value at address 0x0 is actually the initialization value for the MSP register. It is highly dependent on the actual firmware. Therefore, the behavior of the program is unpredictable from this time on.
Published 2019-11-04 20:15:10
Updated 2019-11-13 14:51:50
Source MITRE
View at NVD,   CVE.org
Vulnerability category: Input validationDenial of service

Products affected by CVE-2019-17210

Exploit prediction scoring system (EPSS) score for CVE-2019-17210

Probability of exploitation activity in the next 30 days EPSS Score History
~ 36 %
Percentile, the proportion of vulnerabilities that are scored at or less

CVSS scores for CVE-2019-17210

Base Score Base Severity CVSS Vector Exploitability Score Impact Score Score Source First Seen

CWE ids for CVE-2019-17210

  • The product receives input or data, but it does not validate or incorrectly validates that the input has the properties that are required to process the data safely and correctly.
    Assigned by: nvd@nist.gov (Primary)

References for CVE-2019-17210

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